miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

Art techniques for preschool

Paper tearing in addition to producing skills enables a child to get a sense of the ways and knowledge of thematerial, which allows you to later work with other materials.

When the child practices tearing, should start in free form, after identified as suggestive shapes, as mastered thetearing may be expressed by creating geometric forms.

The different forms can rip the magazines and newspapers, and forms in nature, trees, clouds, etc..

Activity No. 1: (For the first level)

Tear strips of paper straight, undulated, fringed, organize and paste them on a stand.

Activity No. 2: (For Second and Third Level)

Geometric form with strips of torn paper, torn from magazines printed figures, rip entire shapes of magazines ornewspapers, tear forms that represent familiar objects or fruit, make symmetrical shapes torn, torn to make acomposition. The composition can be filled with wax crayons or markers.

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