lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

Cognitive theory of Jean Piaget

It was created by psychologist JeanPiaget. It is based on that language is subordinate to thought and seencuadra within such nativist theories: the acquisition of lenguajese due to biological factors rather than cultural. The human being enters the world with a biological inheritance, which oversees the intelligence dela. On the one hand, biológicaslimitan structures that we can perceive, and otherwise make it possible to progresointelectual.

According to this theory of language acquisition depends on the development of intelligence, ie intelligence is needed to acquire a language.This theory is reflected as cognitive knowledge is developed in a personadesde their first years of life until they reach their maturity.

Piaget argues queel thought and language are developed separately, as lainteligencia begins to develop from birth, before the niñohable, so that the child is Learning to speak of his development cognitivova reached the level needed for it. For him, it is thought possible to acquire a language task, foulbrood means that when being humanonace language has no innate, as Chomsky said, but it is gaining little by little as partedel cognitive development. Once you purchase a language that in turn ayudarátambién cognitive development.
In the process of acquiring dellenguaje Piaget states:

* Talk egocentric, a child who has not yet learned unlenguaje can not express their first pensamientosinteligentes, are only present comoimágenes or physical actions. Egocentric speech which the child uses to express their thoughts at this stage, rather than comunicarsesocialmente. This language is reduced to disappear after 7 years.

* Speak social is taking place after the egocentric

For Piaget, progressive laconstrucción esquemassobre different reality is a sign that the child's intelligence is developing schemes are a fundamental element for sereshumanos adapt to the environment and puedansobrevivir, ie that since children are born, they build schemes and accumulate due to active exploration leading to cabodentro the environment in which they live, and where as they interact with it, try to adapt existing schemes to deal with new experiences.

Piaget Another idea is that learning begins with lasprimeras sensorimotor experiences formed the desarrollocognitivo and language, which continues through the construcciónde elaprendizaje mental structures based on the integration of cognitivospropios processes where a person constructs knowledge through the continuous lainteracción environment.

So for the child to reach their full desarrollomental must traverse from its source progresivasetapas different cognitive development. The child can not skip any estasetapas and you can not force the scope Paraque faster.

In turn these etapasse divided into stages of cognitive development. These stages as psychological structures sedesarrollan from the inborn reflexes are organized for children in behavior patterns are interiorzandurante the second year of life and thought patterns, and desarrollandurante childhood and adolescence encomplejas intellectual structures that characterize adulthood.
These stages Piaget referred to as:
- Sensorimotor stage: it begins with birth and ends at 2 years.The child's behavior is essentially motor, no internal hayrepresentación external events or think medianteconceptos.

* Stadium inborn reflex mechanism. 0 -1 month.

* Stadium primary circular reactions. 1-4 months.

* Stages of secundarias.4-8meses circular reactions.

* Stadium coordinating conductaprevios schemes. 8-12 months.

* Stadium of new experimental discoveries. 12-18 months.

* Stadium of new mental representations. 12-24months.
- Pre-operational stage: from 2 years to 6 years.This is the stage of thought and language of thinking sucapacidad graduating symbolically mimics behavior objects, juegossimbólicos, drawings, imagery, and the development of spoken language.

* Preconceptual Stadium. 2-4 years

* Stadium intuitive. 4-7 years
- Concrete operational stage: from 7 years to 11 years.Reasoning processes become logical and puedenaplicarse to specific problems or real. On the social side, the child now becomes a truly social and at this stage appear esquemaslógicos serialization, sorting and classifying mental sets of losconceptos chance, space, time and speed.
- Stage of formal operations: 12 years and older.At this stage the teenager does concretosobservados knowledge abstraction that allows you to use logical inductive reasoning ydeductivo. Develops feelings idealistic and accomplished personality dela training, there is a further development of moral concepts.
It also proposed two kinds of language that occur in two distinct stages: the pre-linguistic and lalingüística.

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