miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

Toys Safety

Young children are often described as "accidents waiting to happen." Too often, accidents do occur and may result in eye injuries. Hospital emergency rooms treat an estimated 290,000 product-related eye injuries each year. Children under five years of age make up 10 percent of that number, with most product-related injuries occurring in or around the home and at play.
Toy selection guidelines
  • Read all warnings and instructions.
  • Consider a child's ability rather than age when purchasing toys; age warnings on toys are not guarantees of safety.
  • Avoid toys with sharp or rigid points, spikes, rods and dangerous edges.
  • Inspect toys for safe, sturdy construction.
  • Repair or replace damaged or defective toys.
  • Store toys properly after play to avoid trips and falls.
  • Supervise children's craft projects; scissors and glue are among the products most dangerous to a youngster's eyesight.
  • Check the lenses and frames of children's sunglasses before buying them; many (particularly the inexpensive, novelty type) can break and cause injuries.
  • Stay away from flying toys and projectile-firing toys.
  • BB guns are not toys and should not be given to children too young to handle them safely.
  • Keep older children's toys away from younger children.
  • Children should wear appropriate eye protection for sports (face shields, helmets).

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