martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

Importance of early childhood education

"Studies show that preschool education makes a difference for children resulting in improved student performance in basic education. These investigations show that non-cognitive and cognitive deficits are obtained before entering the school and if they do not are corrected in time, affect the learning process and the future productivity of the people in the educational environment where they operate.
It is therefore important that countries with high socio-economic differences develop early childhood education programs that have quality content, as these can reduce the initial disadvantages of poor children, which manifests itself later in the academic performance of learners.
The current situation in this matter are clear differences in access to these opportunities as children from different socioeconomic strata. This is why should progress through to give greater coverage to children with higher socio-economic disadvantages to achieve homogeneity and education among children with low-income and higher economic levels.
However, it should be noted that the reduced statements made have not always proved as effective as intended. Investigations that control the many variables that can affect the performance of learners, their main causes of maternal education, household income, depending on the setting and location, and demonstrate that in low-income sectors of education current is of low quality.
Together we must fight for educational rights of the needy, without neglecting what already won in this area, since only thus will we achieve the unification of all social and also achieve a more developed world for all.

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