lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011

Importance of Using Gadgets in Teaching in School

computer class-room image by araraadt from
Teaching and learning in today's schools can be quite challenging for teachers and students alike. Not only have expectations changed for the teachers, but students also are expected to learn a lot more and at an earlier grade than before. Using gadgets in the classroom, such as iPods, SmartBoards and digital electronic devices, satisfies the growing list of technology standards and prepares students for life beyond the K-12 classroom.

Technology Standards


green mp3 player image by patrimonio designs from
Ipods engage learners and create powerful lessons.
Most school systems have technology standards that all students must attain at various points throughout their education . Education standards are guidelines that define the knowledge and skills students should possess during certain points throughout an academic year.

Preparation for Real Life

The impetus for incorporating technology standards into the curriculum for most school systems is preparation for real life. Because society is becoming more technologically advanced, school systems are having to keep up with trends to better prepare students for life outside of school. 


Makes Learning Interesting


Gadgets also help to make the learning environment interesting and engaging. As we move toward a more digital society, kids are being exposed to technology and digital devices at a young age. So when they come to school, they have little to no patience for lecture-style teaching. Students are seeking a high-tech, digital experience in the classroom. And while they may not get this exactly, with the continual use of various digital and high-tech gadgets, they are coming close. SmartBoards, Ipods, and Mimios are just a few of the gadgets that are improving the quality of education in today's school.

Offers Access to All Students

All too often, underprivileged kids will not have familiarity with new technological advances or devices outside of the classroom. The use of various gadgets within the classroom gives these students the opportunity to use de

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