lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

Precursors of early childhood education

Juan Amós Comenio

The birthplace of Comenius is unknown. There are three possible locations: Komnas, Nivnice or Uherský Brod in Moravia (now Czech Republic).
Komnas is a small village where his parents lived and which took its name. (Komnas <Komenský) Comenius is the Latin form).
Nivnice is the village where he spent his childhood and the most likely birthplace.
Uherský Brod is the town that moved during his childhood. Here is a museum dedicated to him.
Comenius was a teacher and principal in the cities and Fulnek Přerov in Moravia, to the beginning of the Thirty Years War, when the Holy Roman army sent to the inhabitants of Moravia into exile. He settled in Leszno (Poland) and as bishop of the Moravians helped maintain the unity of their group. In 1638 he was invited to Sweden to participate in educational reforms. The British government made ​​a similar invitation, but in 1641, shortly before the start of the English Civil War, left the island, returning to Sweden, where he worked until 1648. Then he moved to Poland, Hungary and the Netherlands.
Comenius is best known for his contributions to teaching techniques, along with his educational principles, developed in his great work Didactics Magna. It points out what their philosophy of teaching is summarized in a phrase of his: "teach everything to everybody. " It was the first to teach traditional languages ​​using the same passages and the corresponding translation in the modern language.
His Orbis Pictus (1658) shows a visible world in pictures, a book for learning Latin, which seems to be the first illustrated book for children. Today we find many picture books and we should take into account Comenius, who, we can clearly say that he invented. Even Goethe, whose childhood.
In his teaching magna, makes a school reform organization, distinguishes four schools very similar to the present:
- The nursery school: It would be a comparison to the nursery, which in total reach to 6 years, as the maternal Comenius. In this the author says that science should be taught.
- Elementary school: It's the equivalent of primary (up to six) that goes up to 12 years. In the author's time, it was mandatory as at present. It teaches a general education and virtues. We cultivate intelligence, memory and imagination.
- The Latin school or gym, takes 12 to 18 years, what we're in high school. Serves to prepare students for college. When they finish this school, students take a test to see who are eligible to enter the academy. This test is very similar to that of selectivity.
- The Academy: from 18 to 25 years, is very similar to college, the only thing is that now there are careers that do not last so long and people who do not take as much or more than it takes up to 25 years to approve. The State granted scholarships as it does now.

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