lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

Learn playing

Learn Playing

Play also indispensable, part of the DNA of the child.
The child learns to know the different parts of your body (hands, feet, etc..) with the game.
Through it, explore the things around him, made ​​his first experiments in "physical "(throws things on the floor, tries to catch the sun's rays, etc.). and have fun listening to their own gurgles (la-la, da-da .) Gradually becomes aware of himself and the world around you ...

What is Play?

It is the first creative act of being human. Begins when the child is an infant, through the link established with external reality and the fantasies, needs and desires that are acquiring. When a child takes any object and make it fly, you are creating a unique and unrepeatable moment that is absolutely yours ...

Toys for each age

The game is one of the most significant activities of childhood.
Play is necessary for the intellectual, physical and sensory child.
A toy is any object that can be used as a tool for game ...

The Importance of Play
and toys for children

Children, toy play and keep each other close relationship, and social and historical development of man have the same ontogeny, hence it is impossible to separate from each other ...

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