domingo, 20 de marzo de 2011

Theory of Multiple Intelligence

The theory of multiple intelligences is a model proposed by Howard Gardner in which intelligence is seen as unitary, which includes various specific capacities at different levels of generality, but as a set of multiple intelligences, different and independent. Gardner defines intelligence as "the ability to solve problems or make products that are valued in one or more cultures. "

First, it broadens the scope of what is intelligence and recognize what was known intuitively: that the academic brilliance is not everything. When developing life is not enough to have a great academic record. There are people of great intellectual capacity but unable to, for example, choose their friends wisely and on the contrary, people are less bright in school that succeeds in the business world or in your personal life. Succeed in business, or sports, needs to be smart, but in each field using a different type of intelligence. Not better or worse, but different. In other words, Einstein is neither more nor less intelligent than Michael Jordan; just their minds belong to different fields.

Second, and not least, Gardner defines intelligence as an ability.

Types of intelligence
Linguistic intelligence
The gift of language is universal and its development in children is strikingly similar in all cultures. Even in the case of deaf people that are not explicitly taught sign language, often make their own manual language and use it spontaneously. Consequently, we can say that an intelligence can operate independently of a certain type in a particular stimulus or response.

Biological aspects - A specific area of the brain called Broca's area is responsible for the production of grammatical sentences. A person with the injured area, you can understand words and phrases without problems, but it is difficult to construct simple sentences. At the same time, other mental processes can be completely unharmed.

Abilities involved - Ability to understand the order and meaning of words in reading, writing, and speaking and listening.

Related skills - Speak and write effectively.

Inteligencia lógica-matemátic

In individuals gifted in this form of intelligence, problem-solving process is often extremely fast, competent scientist simultaneously handle many variables and creates numerous hypotheses that are tested on and are subsequently accepted or rejected.
mathematical reasoning provides the principal basis for the IQ test. This form of intelligence has been investigated in depth by traditional psychologists and is perhaps the archetype of "raw intelligence"or the validity to solve problems that supposedly belong to any terrain. However, not yet fully understand the mechanism by which to find a solution to a logical-mathematical
Abilities involved - Ability to identify models, calculate, formulate and test hypotheses, using the scientific method and inductive and deductive reasoning.
Related skills - Ability to identify models, calculate, formulate and test hypotheses, using the scientific method and inductive and deductive reasoning.
Career Profiles - economists, engineers, scientists, etc


Spatial Intelligence
Spatial problem solving is applied to navigation and the use of maps as a notational system. Another type of solution to space problems, appears in the display of an object viewed from a different angle and in the game of chess. Also used this type of intelligence in the visual arts.
Biological - The right hemisphere (in right-handed people) proves to be the most important site of the calculation space. The lesions in the posterior right cause damage to the ability to navigate a site, to recognize faces or scenes or see small details.
Blind people provide a clear example of the distinction between spatial intelligence and visual perspective. A blind man can recognize certain forms through an indirect method, run your hand over an object, for example, builds a different concept to the visual length. For the blind, the perceptual system of touch-mode runs parallel to the visual modality of a person visually normal. Therefore, spatial intelligence was independent of a particular form of sensory stimulation.
Abilities involved - Ability to present ideas visually, create mental images, perceive visual details, draw and make sketches. Related skills - Perform visual creations and display accurately. Career Profiles - Artists, photographers, tour guides, etc.

Musical intelligence
In all cultures, music affects our perception of the world, bodily processes. The ritual songs and the sound of the instruments of different cultures worldwide have a common basis, the use of sound vibration as a means to achieve internal balance. Music affects us physically and mentally, as the slow and harmonic reduces the activity of brain waves.
Intrapersonal intelligence
Is the ability to possess people know, to understand our emotions and reactions, of who we are. It is the intelligence of our self, which allows us to be able to reflect on our goals and objectives in the short, medium and long term begins when we learn to describe what we do and feel, when we realize that everyone is different and we differently

interpersonal intelligence
Social intelligence is, which allows us to interact harmoniously and cordially with others, sharing their feelings and needs. It is the intelligence of empathy with others, the ability to evaluate them, read them, to make immediate contacts with them. Among those who have the ability to interact with others are psychologists, marketers, journalists, politicians, priests, teachers.

Kinesthetic intelligence 

  is linked with the ability to control our body in coordinated physical activities like sports, dance, manual skills, among others. Through the Body Kinesthetic intelligence acquired
Naturalist intelligence
Naturalist intelligence refers to our ability to collect, interpret, study and analyze the world around them. Recognize and identify the natural elements with which we share, respecting the space and the lives of other species. People with this intelligence developed, are characterized by supporting environmental causes, some of them are farmers, veterinarians, environmentalists, zoologists, farmers, fishermen, among others.

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