lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

What is Play?

Es el primer acto creativo del ser humano. Comienza cuando el niño es bebé, a través del vinculo que se establece con la realidad exterior y las fantasías, necesidades y deseos que va adquiriendo. Cuando un niño toma un objeto cualquiera y lo hace volar, está creando un momento único e irrepetible que es absolutamente suyo. Porque ese jugar no sabe de pautas preestablecidas, no entiende de exigencias del medio, no hay un "hacerlo bien". ¿Todos los juguetes conducen a un juego? El juguete es el medio que se utiliza para jugar: incluye desde una sabanita, hasta una muñeca, una pelota, una hormiga, o una computadora. Todos estos elementos pueden también ser utilizados con fines educativos. Pero si se vuelven una herramienta didáctica, pierden su entidad de juego. Muchos papás, cuando se sientan a jugar con su hijo, confunden el jugar con el enseñar. Y el niño que quería jugar de igual a igual, sin exigencias, sin aprender nada, se frustra. Se puede aprender con gusto, creando un vinculo de sabiduría y afecto, entre el que enseña y el que aprende. Esto es muy bueno y necesario. Pero debe quedar en claro que el juego de reglas es una herramienta por la cual se está intentando llegar a una meta. Uno sabe y el otro no. A medida que uno se va volviendo adulto, el juego propiamente dicho se pierde. Sería muy positivo que empezáramos a incluir el juego en nuestro trabajo, en nuestra pareja, con amigos y redescubrirlo en nosotros mismos. Con la ayuda de nuestros hijos.
The importance of the game and toy for the child

Children, toy play and keep each other close relationship, and social and historical development of man have the same ontogeny, hence it is impossible to separate from each other.At first, when the primitive horde lingered collection of men eventually found in his nomadic wanderings, the children involved, since they could have an independent place in the common task of survival, so the childhood, understood as such did not exist. Even if the man will gradually settle out of their nomadic life, agriculture and arises as a way of life that compels human beings to settle in places defined, children also had to enter the production process, and for this they were given appropriate tools for its size to cooperate, as their physical capabilities, work in accordance with their motor skills, were not even toys, but tools work on a reduced scale, the cutting knife, hoe, pierced through the mass beating by which were only small-scale reproductions of real instruments.To the extent that there is the development of man, the work activity begins to become more complex, while it begins to show production surpluses that allow a better standard of living, without the urgent need for daily survival. This will have a substantial impact on the development of the human species, which can then spend time on activities that are no longer directly linked to the production process, and attention to issues which previously were almost impossible to spend time and will gradually form a socialization process clearly related to their psychological development increasingly advanced. And what happened then with the children? They could not participate directly in productive work for their growing complexity, the man created objects, but reflect the real-life instrument, not as a smaller replica of that, but a new kind of thing no longer serves does the real action but to "practice" and that would make later in life. Surge toy, which is simply a reproduction of the instrument, which is printed but not function real structure, reflecting more or less about design and purpose.This will definitely raise the need in the development of the individual, a preparatory stage in which children are and exercise for their future, there childhood as a period of such preparation.In turn, in that period the children using toys specially created for them, will reflect on their entertainment with them, the U and roles to be played as an adult, you see the game as a means to track and, at level of their physical, mental and motor, a reproduction of real life.In this way, children, toy play and come together in the future evolution of man, and will characterize the first phase of preparation for productive action that children should have when they reach adulthood.

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